You have to unplug and take some time for your self to feel better and more positive to find yourself. Make yourself a priority and feel better.
Encouragement raising kids

Believe you can, you are AMAZING

Women are taught many things, we are teaching our girls to dream Big. To believe you can you are amazing. Stay at home moms are amazing.

Believe you can, then you will. – Mulan


Women are taught so many things as they grow up. In this world we are now teaching our girls to Dream Big. We teach them to believe you can, then you will! But what does that mean? For most it is a career, with six figures. But, what about those of us whose big dream was to be a Stay at Home Mom?


It’s what I wanted most


That was my dream! Is my dream! I love being a stay at home mom! I am grateful daily that this is what I do. But, people are constantly making women feel that the work they do at home, is simply not good enough. It is not real work they say, well I challenge anyone with that attitude to switch places with me!


I have done both

I used to work day in and day out. I earned a Master’s degree as a therapist and I went to work for years. Until I had my first son. I always knew that I wanted to stay at home as a mom, but my husband and I weren’t sure that I could. Well, once he was born I did not go back to work and I have not regretted it nor missed it for one second. It was the best decision that I have ever made.


There are days that I feel that I work so much harder than I used too, especially because I never get to leave work now. I am always here!


Days can be hard and long

Sometimes there are days when it feels so hard to believe that the things that we do actually matter. We are made to believe that unless everyone around us can see what we are doing, then we really aren’t doing anything with our lives. What a horrible thing to believe. But I know that I am guilty of it! And I bet that you are too.


Moms are amazing

Have you ever thought about what you do in a day?


Yes, I know that there are days that you wonder where your day has gone, days where you think you haven’t done enough, days that seem like it is impossible for one person to have done everything that you did. But, have you ever actually sat down and made a list of all of the things that you do in one day or in a week? Go ahead and do that now.


Now look at that list and I bet that it doesn’t seem that there are many things that seem that life changing.


Look again

That house cleaning, cooking, laundry, carpooling, Those are the things that keep this big blue world turning. You running your family, you going to work, you home schooling your children, those are the things that matter the most.


If it weren’t for women and for moms, this world would fall apart. I really do believe that. Not that men and their work isn’t important, but I really do believe that women were given a gift from God to help guide and support the men in their lives. They were given a gift to know how to run their households and care for their family in that nurturing way that only a mom knows.


We are unique

God made us with special gifts to be able to deal with the day to day of life. To have children and take care of them, to run our house, to help our husbands, to help others. All of these things are part of who we are. It is just in us to be able to do them all and to be able to do them well. We are amazing.


But, we have a hard time with the truth

The problem is that we often believe the lies. We think that doing laundry and dishes is mundane and unimportant. We think driving carpool is a nuisance. But if we would do all of these things with a great attitude. If we took those small things we do on a daily basis and saw the big picture of what we are really doing, then maybe we could see all of these things as something more. We could realize the worth that we poses. You could see how important you really are.


What if you just stopped

So just take a moment and think what would happen if you just took the day off. Or even the week. What would happen to your home and the things that seem to run so smoothly day in and out. Well, from experience, I know that just with one sick day and my house goes into red alert!


Now, I do want to say, that I am married to an amazing man that will fall right in and pick up the slack for as long as he needs too. I am forever grateful for him and glad that he does. However, the house does take a beating. You can definitely feel that mommy hasn’t been around. Things are just easier when everyone can do their part.


Every family member matters

Everyone has their own role in the family and we all work together to make sure that everything is running as smooth as possible. Which is why, I wish that moms would value their roles in the things that they do. No, mopping and scrubbing toilets isn’t glamorous, and it is super frustrating at times, but if we don’t do it, well, what then?


See it is those little things that frustrate you and those little things that make you feel like running away and going back to work, it is those things that are the most important. The ones you don’t notice those are the things that you need to be proud of. The ones that no one notices and that you hate, those are the things that you should be proud of because no one else would do them. No one else would do them as well as you can.


Here is what God has to say about all of the things that you do:


Proverbs 31:10-31 (ESV)

The Woman Who Fears the Lord

10  An excellent wife who can find?

   She is far more precious than jewels.

11 The heart of her husband trusts in her…

  30 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,

   but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,

   and let her works praise her in the gates.



Understanding how important you are is the single most important thing that you can do. Remember how special you are, now go out and do the things that you want to do. 


Also read this article to help you remember that you are a priority, Alone Time, How to make yourself a Priority

and then check out, Art Journal – Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Please comment below and let me know how you are doing on the steps. What are your accomplishments that you are you working on? Are you looking forward to something new this week?


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