Raising superheroes for a happy life.

My Story

This is the story of why I am here, what I want to share with you, and how I hope that you will find joy from what I have to teach you.

I have always had a desire to help people. I pursued a career in psychology, and graduated with a Masters in Psychology.  There is something incredibly rewarding in the ability to make people smile. To find the joy in their life, no matter how hard it may be. Making a difference in the life of another person is one of the greatest gifts I could give.

I have been a Stay at Home Mom for a few years now, and there have been so many wonderful things that have occurred in my day to day life. There have been many wonderful days of playing and teaching my kids. There have also been many hard days of discipline, potty training, teaching Algebra, and loneliness. 


Being a Mom is Difficult

It is stressful and it can be incredibly lonely at times. But, I also know that there is great joy in every minute you spend with your children no matter how tired and worn out you are. Especially when you are trying to work or start a business. There are so many things that need to be done and just not enough time. Doubt sets in and anger and irritability follow. No, being a mom is not easy!


Of all of the things that I have done, I am most grateful that God has given me the blessing of staying home with my boys and the blessing of a wonderful husband who makes it possible for me to do so. But, I understand how hard being a  mom can be, especially when you are starting out, or when you are working, or a single parent, or a parent with limited support.

For now, I do not want to go back to a full work schedule, but I do miss being able to influence and empower others. I have a passion for reaching out to women who have struggled with depression and anxiety. Women who simply just want to feel confident and happy and like themselves again. I want to help women build their emotional and mental strength so that they can find joy in what they do.  So that they stop comparing themselves to others, and start believing in themselves again. 


“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” —Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple


And so, I started Coffee with Pixie Dust. A blog for moms needing encouragement but also access to  Life /Confidence Coach for women who are struggling with anxiety, stress, self doubt and low self worth. My mission is to teach you coping skills as well as how to set goals so that you can find joy in your life again. Learn to see yourself again and find your self worth!

I want to share with other moms and other women who are on the same adventure as I am and teach them that they are not alone. We all struggle, despite what our Instagram might say. Mostly I want to make you smile and laugh and help you through those little things in life that often make us feel so alone.

“I alone can not change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.”

-Mother Theresa


Alexandra Haynes, MS, Life Coach for Moms

I am a Stay at Home mom with a background in Psychology. I graduated with a Masters in Psychology.

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career.”

C.S. Lewis

Want to know more? See what I do as a Confidence Coach Here


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